Diet, sleep, and exercise is the fundamental core concept that we all need to focus on to achieve a healthier body and mind. We have heard it since we were children. It is and will continue to be the most important lesson when it comes to this. We hear it again and again. Yet, although we do understand this, we easily lose focus off of this lesson. We become distracted by the endless barrage of health foods, tips, and fads. Yet, it boils down to a few simple questions:
- What are we eating?
- How are we sleeping?
- Do we exercise?
The more time passes, the more we know scientifically about the effects of diet, sleep, and exercise on the human body and mind. The findings are profound. It reinforces what people have been saying for years, for decades, for centuries.
Diet, One Example
Modern research on the implication of gut bacteria shows some profound results on a person’s health. A healthy gut with good bacteria is an important part of our physiology. This is why probiotic foods and supplements have done extremely well over the past several years. You can see any number of products advertised in stores such as greek yogurt, kombuchas and easy to take pills. While these are great, have many important uses, and are delicious, these aren’t substitutes for actual fruits and vegetables.
We think we have healthy diets but we may not actually do.
Let’s use fiber as another example when it comes to diet. Do we take fiber supplements or do we actually eat nutritious foods high in fiber such as whole-grain bread and broccoli?
It is easy to find information in videos, articles, or any other form that talks about the health benefits of eating, drinking or doing certain things. it is easier than ever to lose sight of the simple fundamental questions we must ask ourselves to attain a healthier body and mind. This is why we need to filter out the noise and get back to thinking about fundamental factors that are most relevant. This is why I intend to compile realistic, actionable steps that we can all take in our busy lives to help us all get started on this path.