One Way to Improve your Sleep Now

The benefits of nasal breathing are numerous and well documented. It is a way to easily improve not only your sleep but also your overall health. Some of the benefits out of the many that may interest you are:

  • No more dry mouth and a sore throat when you wake up every morning
  • Reduce your vulnerability to illness by better filtering the air coming into your body
  • More energy and vitality due to better oxygen flow

For more detailed information see this great TED talk:

So if the benefits are great, what is the action step we take to get into the habit of nasal breathing? How do we unconsciously do it when we sleep or go about our daily lives?

The Action Step

I recommend using micropore tape to get into the habit. Micropore tape is used in medical cases where an adhesive is needed to bind dressings and devices to skin. It is comfortable and the material is breathable. Also, it was made to be used on sensitive and fragile skin.

Use it by ripping a sliver of the tape and covering your lips shut whenever you go to sleep at night. The size of it should be to your liking. Your body will naturally turn to your nose to breathe in and out whenever you sleep. I have done this myself and have been seen firsthand how well it works. This will help you to unconsciously nose breath any time of the day.

I recommend using 3M micropore paper tape below. I have tried the product and it works great for the intended purpose. It comes in a box of 12 and is fairly inexpensive. You should keep it by your bedside and rip a little sliver of it. Do not worry about if your nose becomes clogged during the night. Your body can still breathe through your lips in case anything happens.

Try this easily actionable step yourself to improve your sleep and see if it works for you!

3M Micropore Paper Tape

3M Micropore Paper Tape - White, 1" x 10yds for better sleep
3M Micropore Paper Tape – White, 1″ x 10yds